Tecorien App
Streamline your travel management operations.
Book from your Tecorien app or your corporate portal online.
Ride with the closest car from numerous professional fleets.
Your billing rate has been synced up with your accounting system.
On-demand and scheduled rides
Schedule a ride date and pick-up time in advance or make an immediate reservation and get ready to step oustide – your driver is minutes away.
Find closest vehicle
Once a car is requested, a virtual zone is created and all vehicles within that virtual zone will get a call.
Check relevant trip details
Check ride estimate, distance, arrival time, vehicle and driver info and more, all conveniently served at time of booking.
Track ride progress in real time
Get instant updates of your ride progress, including possible detours and delays.
Detailed billing receipt
It’s not just one number. You get a detailed breakdown of your ride cost, including fare, mileage, tolls and more.
Rate drives instantly
Rate your drive immediately upon completion. This helps fleet owners improve their level of service.